Thursday, September 10, 2015

When I am not with you

Lonely and gloomy, sitting in  a room,
Thoughts are running like a full moon…
Feelings are very few…as life is worthless
When I am not, with you….
Some say, Live in the present,
Some say, live for others,
My heart is filled with your countless memories, as…
When I am with you, close enough…
My heart beats just for you…

Feelings are pounding over me like a dew,
Warm enough to feel the whole you…
Love is truly a God’s gift, as
When I am with you,
Dancing, chirping round the hall…
Mesmerizing the memories made by you….

So, here’s how I feel for you,
Lonely and gloomy, sitting in a room,
My love, as when I am with you…
Joyous are my days, calmer are my thoughts…
So, always be the same you,
As my love is meaningless,
When I am not with you….


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I am safe with you......

I am safe with you......

Hold my hands , at times my heart says,
When crossing roads or at astray....
Searching you everywhere, my love,
To hold my hand and say,
I am your strength, your love and care......

Behold me unto your arms, my love....
coz when you're there,
I feel secure and safe.

Your touch on my hands,
You kiss on my face...
Has made me senti, coz...
When you are there, my heart says,

"Love me forever with thy tender love and care....coz,
when you are there....."

'I feel, "Love is in the air".'

Do you feel irritated when somebody does not pronounce your name correctly? How many times have you corrected the other person about your na...