Thursday, July 6, 2017

The day I die


A lovely life will come to an end,
Leaving behind memories and loved ones.
It will be
 hard to say, what went wrong,
Even harder to say, was it the end of all?

The sweet memories of childhood?
The tiny tales of school?
The trails of unfinished love stories..
The regrets, the joy and sorrows will be all left behind..
The day I die. 

Even though the body goes,
The soul stays..
I wonder, what will be life like,
The day I die.
Will it be easier ?
Or will it become more challenging?
Will I do just fine without my family?

I wonder who will miss me the most?
Who's gonna cry?
Will I be remembered for good?
All, I want to know..
The day I die.

Cute little fight with siblings,
Secret crushes,  backbiting & gossips,
Hard earned money & materialistic bliss,
All will go one day, 
The day I die.

The endless pursuits of happiness,
Mumma's food, her love
Papa's struggles,
Brothers loving nature and sisters care,
All will be missed,
The day I die.

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