Friday, July 31, 2020

B2B Marketing Strategies 2020

I have read so many blogs today on B2B Marketing Strategies in 2020 and thought of sharing with fellow marketers.

I am sure many of you have already read about them and are incorporating them in your B2BMarketing plans. The list is short yet, including all will contribute to success.

👉Personalized Communication is a powerful weapon to engage with B2B customers as they are more focused on ROI and efficiency. Personalization builds trusts and reliability.

👉ChatBots play a crucial role as they make resolution time better. Incorporating them into your marketing plan can make a huge difference.

👉Email Marketing is not dead. Emails are still significant and the most effective way to communicate with businesses. HubSpot has even found out that 93% of B2B marketers use email.

👉Your website is the face of your business. Your website should be structured to provide ideal customer experience and has to be superior from other websites.

👉 LinkedIn is the second-best platform which does exceptionally well for B2B marketers.

👉The agents of change in 2020 for marketing are Influencers. B2B marketing can have Influencers in there plan to reach out to the right audience.

P.S- I am not an expert on digital marketing. I have just listed them out for you.

Revisit Social Media Key Performance Indicators for Better Performance

The crucial step to any social media strategy is to set social media goals which will become the foundation for success. For a successful campaign, it is imperative to know about KPIs.

KPI or (Key Performance Indicators) is the quantifiable measurement that is useful for evaluating the success of any organization, employee or projects in regards to performance.
Let us now begin diving into KPIs:

One of the foremost things to remember is your business goals. Once you are clear with what your business goals are, it is easier to work on the strategy. Let us look into social media key performance indicators which are,

  1. Reach
  2. Engagement
  3. Return on Investment (ROI)
  4. Loyalty and Retention

Social Media KPIs for Reach

The reach your brand has on social media will be tracked by these KPIs:

Reach KPIs

  • Follower Count: Across your social media channels the number of followers and fans you have is one of the easiest ways to know the reach your organization has.

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