Saturday, August 10, 2013


Life is spinning all around like a magnificent ball of advanced Google search for life partners, beloved and more likely with whom our soul are inseparable.

Assumptions of how life changes after marriage are incredible. Life supporting system of loved relations, bonding evolves with an urge to satisfy our self.

Marriage is a traditional institution that binds not only two families, two individuals but also enhances human‘s unique code of DNA and more likely the self affirmation of a sound social environment. The journey of relations sails on the ship of trust, hope and encompasses within the territory of LIFE OF CONTROL. The extreme end brings happiness and joy. The love converged in between two individuals seems nothing less than a desired thought.

Marriage is like a cricket pitch, the variation of spin bowling resembles to an entire thought of it. The variation of marriage: Top spin and off spin. The arranged and the love marriage is one such example of the spinning relation available upon request for both the two individuals. Though one can be well versed with bowling actions.

The spin of two innings or summing up the two variety of bowling the relation that rests at top priority is the top spin: LOVE MARRRIAGE.

TOP SPIN relates to the upcoming love marriage that is a culture of today’s that sometimes seems successful beyond limitations though not all love marriages have proved successful.

OFF SPIN relates to the ancient tradition of arranged marriages where the involvements of the families are at major states. This variation of marriage has been since times successful and durable.

The variations in marriages are of two types. LOVE MARRIAGE AND ARRANGED MARRIAGE.

Love marriage is an upcoming trend in marriages. Love affairs, extra marital affairs are the one of the same side of a coin. Love affairs at colleges, offices, colleagues, it can initiate anywhere. Love birds are seen at parks, restaurants and places where public crowds are very less. They are seen at early stages of love leading to marriage. It is a very personal decision in which nobody can claim the rights to get involve the biggest benefit of love marriages are based on principles of freedom. Love marriages are successful only if a person chooses wisely.

Often there is a mis -match of social status, education resources leading to unhappiness and finally to the end of the relationship.

Furthermore on the other hand arranged marriages are traditional method of marriage. Arranged marriages occur with the final consent of the partners. It involves greater participation of family members. The whole processes of arranged marriages are so processed and it involves multiple ideologies and culture within this type of marriage is very complex.

The greatest disadvantage that this method gets is that family pressures are often so risky that it even leads to death of individuals and end of a powerful ceremony of love.

The trends of marriages are not only popular with India only but it has also stated so much of change in statistics abroad. Here are some countries that show that marriages are at a risk of conduct in the normal life of a person.

The statistics of marriages in the foreign countries are:

WASHIGTON: Seetle’s has the largest per cent of women living alone in the U.S

UTAH: The Beehive state has the highest number of married couple (61 %)

NEVADA: Los Vegas, the wedding capital issues an average of 120000 marriages licensed and this state has the highest divorce rate.

ARKANAS: This state is often regarded as the “state of marital emergency”.

These not only showcases the percent of marriages either done by arranged or love ,one has to figure out that the marriages are built up with trust, honesty, truth ,love and more commonly with a sense of happiness altogether.

Technology touching Human lives

Technology is one such term that it gets advanced with the passage of time. Technology has touched human lives; their normal functioning is far more dependent on technology.Computers, laptops, mobile phone. Mp3, iphone, ipad etc. has become a major part of human life.  A day without technology looks like lifeless and sometimes irritating consciousness gets aroused .A day without watching TV news, serials, and movies seems life so boring .Technological advancements further enhances human capacity of storage, awareness and facilitates smooth functioning of daily life.

In the ancient time, the traditional technology were just the radio and the television .They for a longer span of time proved a greater innovation and held public interest and pleasure. They were quite successful at their times but further enhancement of technology led the more furnished technologies to come to existence.
There are several other innovations of today’s age that almost solves people’s problems and rests them at high priority with its usage and simplification.  The latest technologies are of different types like those of Sling box launched by sling media, 3D Battery that charges the phone immediately, shower power radio, and many more. The following innovations have touched human lives.

H2O RELEASES SHOWER POWER RADIO-While the world is behind high end technologies and other advancements .This is the time not for I phones but for a radio that gets charged itself while shower. The radio is capable of charging itself as water pours from shower. There is no need for electricity or removable batteries for the device to get charged. You can easily charge the radio with adequate power as you take bath.

 This eco-friendly device is compatible with almost any shower, as the company claims. Vivian Blick was the man behind this amazing product. The shower-powered radio was inspired from the  
Company’s earlier invention Wind-Up Radio.

“Having seen huge success with the commercialization of the Wind-Up Radio we were constantly looking into new ways that further innovations in the radio sector could be made. Creating the now-patented micro turbine technology, that allows the radio to operate solely through the flow of water, was the key to our new innovation; and thus the world's first water-powered shower radio was created,” Vivian Blick was quoted as saying.

 Scientists develop 3D Battery That Recharges Your Phone in Seconds   -   A new 3D battery that can charge your mobile phones at a superfast pace has been developed by a group of scientists at the University of Illinois. With this 3D battery one can recharge mobile phones in just few seconds.

A new technology   that can help parents who stay far away from their children and still gets to make their children feel happy-
 Nursery Rhymes with Story Time allow parents to be in touch with their kids, wherever they might be.   
 This is useful when parents are away from their children. Sometimes it’s just impossible to stay with the children and care for them. This technology helps parents to evolve with their kids.

 Nursery Rhymes with Story Time allow parents to be in touch with their kids, wherever they might be. Thus, it is very useful when you aren't there at a time when kids go to sleep.

Sling box -Multinational audio and video giant Sling Media launched their TV streaming device Sling box in India. With this device,   one would be able to watch TV on various devices like Smartphone, laptop and many other devices that have one equipped with.

These various new innovations have simplified human life conditioning .Now with more advancement in technology more problems are also arising at high juncture. Though technologies have determined value and existence yet there are issues of lazyness, no hard working passion and still a more comfortable leisure life?
The technological harm that one gets is worth not appealing and it tends to stupefying elements of harmless.  It gradually harms us and the extent that it harms goes unseen.


Have you heard the famous poem written by William Shakespeare?


The real players are the women in this beautiful world. There is yet another famous saying ‘God created man and then thought of creating something better ‘.The better idea was of the creation of women. The stage at which the Indian women evolves and strengthen her is incredible. Women, be it any women not only in India but anywhere in the world, the elements of fervor, veracity, motherliness, empathy are at high stocks in them. A heart of fluffy cushion of love makes her the Diva of ecstasy and warmth.

The pre –phase of an Indian women starts with lots and lots of confusion and predictions. The urge of getting a girl-child is considered as producing something that is no worth or importance. After facing a lot of gender test, trepidation, revulsion, criticism and durability is often on a high stake of risk. Through all these performed allegations and so called process an infant is born. This infant survives if the society accepts her and then the other systematic function occurs.

The lovely relation of a daughter –father, mother-daughter is extremely a feeling that goes unshared and accomplished. Beautiful pink costumes, matching sandals and clips are previewed at early stages. This early stage starts her journey of patience and discrimination.

The next stage starts when the infant evolves further into a child. The first uttered words and tongue twistings, the funny moments, faces, laughter attracts attention. The further excitement comes when she goes to school. In India, the state of girl-child education has increased; several Yojnas’ are implemented to improve education. Sarva shiksha abhiyan, Nari vikas yojna are at high toll.

The next very happening stage gradually appears before one. This adolescence stage is the stage where various changes are seen. Growing beautifully and becoming aware of her. Friends play a very important role. But in India, the opposite happens all the time. She gets burdened with families traditions, culture and moreover to keep the rituals of the family in order to survive being an inferior creature. There she does not get enough freedom to come up with her own ideas rather than to put up the family pressures. There she gets cursed, blamed and even not sent to colleges for further studies. Some are even married at an early age to keep up the traditions of the society.

The fourth stage arrives where she is seen as multi-tasking women. She performs each and every duty. She gets addressed as a wife, a caretaker, an informer, adviser, financer and all works that she does efficiently. She is responsible for every task whether at home or anywhere. She gets warm feeling when she enjoys being a mother. She nourishes the child inbuilt culture, disciplines his / her. She shapes the future of her children. The utterance of “maa” word itself is a blessing to her. She considers herself superior and feels honored. The pressure faced by Indian women is worthy. They are considered witch if they are unable to bear child. Moreover, the domestic violence, infertility problems are due to the facts of them being suppressed by male dominance.

This fifth stage entangles both joy and sadness. At this phase of time her children grow up and she feels free from her duties. She then after enjoys being called as “sasu maa”. Her children married yet another very responsible stage arrives. Indian women have the courage to face extremities and odd ends.

The final sixth and seven stage is all set to enjoy with their grand children and play with them tell up stories of Rediscovering the youth in her obviously. Children have gone their way & grandchildren are finding theirs. Suddenly, grey hair disappears. No, No not from the scalp they only change colour! They turn black! Smiles look better than they were all along (let me share the secret, Artificial dentures makes all the difference!) A phase when time is available aplenty but physically she can’t cope up with all she wants to do. STILL she tries and determined that she is, manages to do most of what she wants.

India’s world cup first victory

India’s world cup first victory

The glory redefined itself on the very first commencement of the WORLD CUP. The fever of cricket was at high enthusiasm and at rapid fire with the warriors of India winning the first cup match defeating Bangladeshi’s with 87 runs. The onset of a cricketing month has begun on a winning tone by India.

It was a splendid opening to a huge awaited scenario by Indian cricket fans and with SEHWAG and KOHLI turning the gifts of blessing into a real proud moment’s .They turned the worst history of the past into a good, fantastic steal away longing memory.

With both the duplets thrashing centuries in the very first game has predicted a very good omen for the future victories of India. India’s winning momentum is largely to rests on such great warriors and of course the sensational masters of blaster are Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar and definitely our cool captain Mahindra Singh Dhoni’s strategies.

Taking onto the first opening game with Bangladesh, India happened to put to bat by Bangladesh .With Sehwag ,it was the beginning of stokes,cuts,squares and many more stylish finishes followed by Kohli’s as well made a grand fifth highest total in the World cup history of 370 runs.

Though the Bangladeshi’s fought well with the total yet couldn’t come up with repeating the history. It was a total ‘jhakkas’ match, inviting millions of fans to rejoice and cheer in laughter shrills.

The real pleasure of game assembled with laughter when Kohli’s debut ton was thrashed making him the first Indian and the world’s 13th batsman to hit a ton on his debut World cup. These real courtesies of aspiration rely on such grand occasion and that too with a huge winning note.

There could be no other way that could have happened to this startle opening match .Let there be more occasions of joy in the near coming month of glories and honour. Let India shine through the world cup and the world too.

The plight of Rickshaw pullers

The scorching sun has burnt all the nerves of human and altering their lives. At one point of time it’s very horrifying to get out of the house in the burning sun yet it’s imperative for the rickshaw pullers to step out and struggle for livelihood. The condition under this terrifying weather makes us feel like a burnt toast and the awful stream of sweat falling as hot dew drops are something   very ill at ease to sense and imagine .The rickshaw pullers are one such personality that endures such a harsh weather   which is yet impossible for people who can’t stay a day without air conditioners.

“It’s very   terrible bearing the harsh   weather   soaring heights   of maximum 40 degrees temperatures”, says Ramlal a rickshaw puller. It is the metro station that provides the roof in times of unbearable heat. During the whole course of getting baked in the sun Rs. 200 to 300 is the daily wage that comes along. But the outrage that is endured is yet not good enough to get paid. “Kabhi Kabhi to kuch nahi milta, phir bhi is kadi dhoob mein hum khade rehte hai…” These lines are heard often.  The heat and the anger controlled are never appreciated by people.

The atrocious life of rickshaw pullers in East Delhi is horrifying as there is no such place that provides shelter to them in the heat.  Rickshaw pullers are seen resting on their rickshaws, more likely around the road side in times of fearful heat.  The sheer sensation of just stepping out of the house is shivering but the extreme conditions that are faced by the rickshaw pullers are not bothered by anyone. The passengers fight if there is slight increase in the fare but they forget to notice the hard work the pullers put in the heated temperatures.
“Itni garmi mein rickshaw chalana …bimari to lagi rehti hai…., says Laxman, a 50 year old”. 

The outcome of sun is seen on our faces as sunburns are seen all over the face. The burnt faces with the sweaty clothes are uncomfortable but there’s nothing that can be much done. “Paise kamane hai toh pasina to bahana padeda says, Harilal”.  There are conditions when the body feels hefty tired. At the end it’s again the same fight with the rickshaw owners shouting   for the compensation of their rickshaws and if there are no earnings for the day, the owners simply reject to give their rickshaws the next time.

The life of rickshaw pullers is not as easy as we simply think. The constant hard work not witnessing how cold or hot the season is, their hope for making their livelihood is never stopped.    We simply can’t ignore rickshaw pullers as they are the main commuters for communication between two places.  They play the role of transport within short distances and a major chunk of communication is done with rickshaws only.

Women fashionista and professionalism

Fashion is a word that thrills our dreams, but when it comes into real equation it is a hard to imagine situation. A word that merely brings a delight and smile into our face. What fashion means to women is completely different as compared to men. Fashion means life to women, without which life seems meaningless. Fashion is a word of caution for men as their pockets going to bear great loss. If we look into the professional aspect of the working women and their irrespective dress code. The interactive work and nature gets perfectly blended with their attire which is simply the best address that one gets of their profession.

As one gets a clear picture of the nature and the kind of personality through their attire similarly one fits into the style the kind of work one does. It does highlight kind of work fixed with such a type of profession. Women in profession do look different in styles of differ fashion for women into look. Different attires are being designed to give perfect look and view, feelings are attached to it.

Fashion statements are attached be it anything and everything in the world. A woman of substance will never compromise with her ego and confidence. A woman will never want to lose any of her respect in the respective field due to anything. A working woman never leaves her sense of dressing even if nothing matters to her.

As a corporate woman, her attire is simply awesome and the feel and the look are inexpressible. Her black and white attire simplifies purity and position. She’s unexpectedly beautiful and stunning, creates a moment of self-accountability. The lady with the Ambani factor assumes greater fashion in the country. ‘Nita Ambani most predominantly a fashionista in a business world imparts greater inspiration’.

As a woman of media, it becomes so defining to mention your- self and the attire. The ever energetic thought and the instant media approach itself defines the type of work. The dress code fulfills the attempt of desirable traits of the women being represented and it forecasts a larger audience. A reporter to the newsroom anchors relates much more to the costumes and adherence.

When it comes to fulfill the role of a lawyer, she entangles herself in the black long coat that is shaped along the entire length. She scores much of the respect get much wider outlook; it enhances the perspective of the world.

The location of a modified version of a working women herself her attitude and fashion statement relents. She emerges within her costumes and full confidence flows through her eternity. She is a live status of adorability and infirmity with her dress she is personally influential.

A more influential teacher, aspires many, educates all, incorporates moral values and her dress sense is worth fancy.


The summer has still not struck the difficult strokes of its identity as per its nature and the rising issue of water has taken its birth. This is just the beginning of April and people have started to face the extreme water crisis. The rising stake of water has made people realize the use how much the water is an essential natural resources for them.

It’s been almost 4 days since water has been playing hide and seek game with us. The people of south ganesh are facing difficulty as water has suddenly disappeared and it comes at really for a short period of time and it almost creates a hustle. The place where I stay, the people stay completely strangers from each other and since when the water has gone, it’s been a common conversation, ‘Pani Aaya ki nahi’.
In this summer where people are patiently thirsty there is no sign of water and this has lead to extreme pity mess and almost an incredible situation. Now, it is hardly that people take a bathe. The care that a bath actually gives is forbidden and hectic problems of body odour and rashness hits ones body. The actual usage of water is thus missing for the colony fir last 4 days.

The situation became worse when we had to buy water for drinking purpose. There were no alternative for us rather than to spend money to buy a natural resource. There were no help from any side and we looked helpless.
Thus, this extreme closure of water has made life miserable .There has to be some agents that would tell us that there would be some crisis so that we become aware the situation and able to store water for the longer period of time.

Beware of women

The mysterious creature of the earth ‘Women’ is so often in a state of thousand questions and is often considered as a being whose disclosure is never perceived. There’s a saying that predominantly women are full of unexpected strength and curiosity, that their style and the way of thinking is much catered to best actions. Nothing is impossible for her and in the future there will be an emerging trend that there would be a danger sign everywhere stating ‘beware of women’.

Now-a-days women are breaking free from the traditional and gender, specific society roles and not only taking initiative but competing the men all around. All round they are capable of making a mark into the world. They are emphasising their capability at a greater level catering to a shift of glaze and fondness.

Women are playing a leading role in every field of work for the betterment of themselves and for society at par excellence. They have been at high tides in times of success and greater address. At first there were jobs that were mostly done by men in concept of greater strength, but the recent phenomenon has changed the whole scenario. Women are seen at places where a men structure would be considered to be standing. Women are seen auto-rickshaw driving. First she escaped a violent child marriage to achieve the unthinkable - becoming the first and only woman to drive an auto-rickshaw on the streets of the Indian capital, New Delhi.

In the ever changing world the gender roles of women have changed greatly in times. In olden days women were limited to domestic works like child care, cooking and washing. She was confined within the four walls of the cage like home. No means of luxury was given like it was a heaven gain desire. Gradually these seemed to disturb her integrity and self –respect.

As changes occurred to their necessity they started seeking employment outside their homes, which gave them changes to become working class women”. Employment scenario changed with time and women workers with higher skill began to participate in the battle with men. Shanti Devi started a tea shop with her husband on a main trucking route in Delhi. They diversified and opened a workshop. One of a few women truck mechanics in India who also offers some simple advice about life. (Shanti Devi).

Not only at small levels, are women doing well in every field from academics to defence. Women are seen at international levels fulfilling the role of a modern day communicator, philosopher, a corporate lady and at par a journalist. There are women reporters who have covered wars. There were cases that these kind of works only men are suitable for. An underestimate is always on the safer side when it comes to engage with women. Bharkha Dutt one just very good aspect that can be added the history of the Indian journalist field.

In the field of sports, women are not so far behind men compliment. They are at balanced view and their efforts are the same as this field has with men. In 1906, Lula Olive Gill became the first female jockey to win a horse race in California. Maria Sharapova is the top most earning female athlete according to Forbes Magazine in 2011 ranks.

Kamaljit Sandhu becomes the first Indian women to win a gold in the Asian Games. Karnam Malleswari was the first woman to win an Olympic medal in 2000 summer’s Olympics. Even Sania Mirza , Saina Nehwal are enlightening the fields of their choice and by putting up their best India is in top most ranking in their respective fields.

The academics, Kadambri Ganguly and Anandi Gopal Joshi became the first women from India to be trained in Western Medicine. Asima chatterjee became the first Indian woman to be conferred the Doctorate of Science by an Indian University.

In politics, where Indira Gandhi became the first women Prime Minister, Pratibha Devi singh Patil is working as first woman President.

Kiran Bedi, first female to recruit to join the IPS services. No one can forget the tremendous work done for the society by Mother Teresa. Priya Jhingan becomes the first lady cadet to join Indian Army.

There is no field where women have not reached. It may be entertainment personalities like Aishwarya Rai Bacchan, Diana Hayden, Lata Mangeshkar, Arundhati Roy and many more. These are goddess of beauty with the brains, voice and literature.

Women have catered to a larger support in enhancement, reconciliation and in uniting the country has whole in vast diversities and huge substance. Women are no less than men in every aspect of life. They are as same as god created men. They are one who works and even function as merry go rounders fulfilling each and every walks of life.


When would be the end of controversial commentary on the Bharat Ratna? The whole process seems to be confronting for a script writing .If taken in a comic way Bharat Ratna is considerably going to become one the main conflict in the year 2011.The Excellency honour is yet to get its beneficiary and it is hardly a concept of who gets it. The longevity is still besieged and Bharat Ratna has become in its self an issue of contemporary analysis.

Bharat Ratna is a highest civilian award presented to creditors for their outstanding recital in advancement in field’s o f Science, Technology, Arts and Literature .There has been numerous personalities that have achieved this award ranking up from our former president DR.A.P.J Abdul kalam who was a sensation in his long run of tenure to our musical   assassin Pt.Bhimsen Joshi.Their contribution is showered upon the country in such a fashion that it has created hype among the countrymen.

The issue of giving Sachin Tendulkar   Bharat Ratna has gained momentum these days and one can see a lot of country wide opinion raised as to honour him for his achievements .The currency in the issue has provided fans with an overall view of both joy and sadness. Moreover the highlight of the issue is still in shadows and one cannot decide that who’s going to win the award.

If we look into the saga of the Master Blaster Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, we come across the ocean of thoughts, records and greatness of a well human being nurtured in our country. He is the core framework of heart beat of all sections of the society. He is worshipped among huge sections of the world as a God enshrined with lots of capabilities and achievements. The world wide fan following love him the way he bats and he is eminently represented for his classy.squarish, cuts, drives etc.He’s never been as an old horse running in  tracks but has raised levels of fielding and strength.

It is an honoured situation for many of us when he is somewhere near us and to whom we may give our true regards. It is an honour now either it is a batsman or bowler to work or play for or against him. The sole desire of any of the individual is to share a word of thought with Sachin.

  However being a man of achievements, honours and many other prestigious awards have made people call him GOD OF CRICKET. He has along list of victories and fame .The list of achievements of Sachin Tendulkar are as follows:

·         Arjuna Award(1994)
·         Khel Ratna(1997-1998)
·         PadmaShri(1999)
·         Wisdon Cricketer of the year(1997)
·         Greatest sportsperson of the year(2003)
·         Asian Heroce(2006)
·         Padma Vibhushan(2008)
·         ICC Cricketer award(2010)
·         T he recent one being the most desirable, memorable, heart touching, a long 21 years of hard work and dedication, the SENSATIONAL WORLD CUP WIN.
·         The moment where the toughest of the men who could not resist his tears from falling. The moment here though being his life greatest achievements.
·         Has 50 test centuries (highest ever)
·         Has recognized the same in one day‘s as well.

If all these are least bothering then there would be no objections to his grateness .His high tide of achievements is not only in the world of cricket but also in cases of charity as well. He has enrolled himself as a person of esteem defiance and credibility.

The major chunk of grievances has arisen on the forefront. The government has taken a lot of time and has finally come to a conclusion: the field of sport is not a criterion for Bharat Ratna.

There have been country wide opinion raised.Pandit jasraj, Rajiv shukla, Virendra Sehwag, Abhishek Bacchan and many other eminent personalities have already been saying that Sachin is and will be a Gem of India and is the only contender for the prestigious. Here is a small poem:

Bharat Ratna ka khel nirala, NHI
Lagaya Gaya hai SACHIN PE TALA
Na Jane kis pe padegi mala,
Ya hoga Bharat Ratna ghotala


Have you walked freely across the road without holding your breath for a while crossing the area dumped with all sorts of smelly rubbish? In fact or passing by the lane of your colony .Its   very true that no one has ever managed to pass by the dirty alleys.

The condition of the people living in the area of Laxmi  Nagar, south Ganesh Nagar is very pathetic .The sanitation condition of these areas is worth noticeable. The filthy surrounding is attracting heaps of diseases coming from all the directions .The alleys are covered from both the sides with garbage, odds and ends of the colony and moreover the unbearable filthy smell .The unhealthy living condition has become homes of all kinds of germ spreading viruses, insects and mosquitoes.

The colony in which I live is not a healthy one as there have been many factors contributing a lot of sanitation problem. It’s very unjust living surrounding with factors of dirty, smelly water supply, storehouse of garbage area at the back of the colony and the most important one is the rumble of the train passage and a feeling of the attack of an earthquake when a train passes by.

The experience of the earthquake within 24 hours has become a must daily ritual of the resident’s here. Whenever the train passes by, the whole building seems to be shaking as if an earthquake has occurred. Sometimes one feels so unsecured and   a terror of building collapse makes us look miserable. The collapsing of building has become a frequent norm in these areas and many have heard the incident of Lalita Park in Laxmi Nagar. Its saddening that still builders are so carelessly constructing building with degrading materials and without a particular structural basis.

Another very disgraceful condition is the contamination of the drinking water. It’s been almost two weeks since we haven’t got a clean drinking water. The condition of the water is as such that is very much regretting to explain. The water seems to be coming from a sewage pipeline and its smell is horribly filthy .One cannot survive without a clean drinking water. It is very annoying   to even bath with such a type of rubbish water.
Beside this the most harassing situation is the dirty garbage collection at the back expandable field. The backside is uneven dumped   with all sorts of household wastes and more likely broken bits of stones, bricks polythene s and unwanted materials.Water is puddle in variety of small lakes and circles. Stagnant water is a birth place of carriers like dengue, malaria etc. for the mosquitoes and enemy to the people living there. Such drastic environment and the awful severely damaged area have become more like a slum area in the midst of the city.

If we come to a conclusion the area is not likely a place to live. There has to be a lot of cleaning assignments done in order to safeguard the healthy condition of the people. It’s going to be a serious issue that will enlighten in the future.


The state election brought with it the undetermined price rise.

The popular song of Peepli  live “Meghai Dayan “ has once again been popularized after the state election has been completed .Within 24 hours of result being announced price of commodities began to sore greater heights. The first commodity that got struck into it was the petrol. It got hiked by a price greater than to rupees 5 .The oil marketing companies increased the price and this ensured the heavy burden on the household budget. This is not the first time that the price rise issue has been hiked but it is the seventh time in 11 month that petrol prices are increased.

Since UPA returned to power in May 2009, petrol prices have gone up by more than 50 %. In last one year alone it has increased in order of 30%.During the price rise of petrol it was worth seeing that people were rushing to petrol pump to get their vehicle filled with the old price. Every body was in haste and a major crowd was assembled to all petroleum stations covering the entire surrounding and running over one other.
The condition of people was worth noticeable and each stating “I have to plan the entire next month budget due to this price rise” The essentiality of petrol is seen everywhere whether it office or home. Petrol has its say in every field of work. The entire field of travel and transport, electricity, household, companies, industries, etc.The public is the main target of suffrage and often people ask themselves “why are poor people  the victims of  price rise?”

The other commodity that gets it struck in between the list of price rise is milk. Mother dairy has raised its price by rupees 2.  This increased price has more relations with aam janta, the daily consumption of milk products ensured nutritional value and with this price rise the people will think twice or thrice before in taking milk. With the rice of milk, other dairy products too ensured great hike  in price .Paneer, cheese , butter have also  raised its price indirectly .Imagining  a day without  eating milk  products for babies too gets  greater attention  .Consumption by poor people is one of the major  issues: What are they going to consume ?Does the government provide any supplement in case of  price rise to the poor? It is always a big ‘NO’.
 “How much the government gets affected it when any price rise situation arises?   Does it in anyway hinders their normal high status functioning of life. Do they refuse to intake milk or milk products? There are several other questions that people would like to ask the Government.

The aam aadmi effect gets more involved in suffering and to a much worse situation. The very known home groans have raised lend rates by 50 basis points and the HDFC joins other lending units have involved too. This very situation has aroused much greater efficiency in facilitating home groan issues.
The deplorable, horrible question of life sustaining commodities are getting hiked and aam janta‘s  appeal has no longer melted the hearts of  government as  price rice news of several other commodities are also going to be on fire in the coming days.

So the main assumptions of  people would be maintain stocks of food and other things to run into a  better life and sack the price rise as a burden in the go-down  .

Peepli is out of Oscars

‘NATHA’and ‘Budhia’ are we familiar with the names.most of us will immediately recall ‘suicidal farmers’, yes this is exactly what’s going to’s a sad demise of Anusha Rizvi’s expectation of Peepli live entering into the nominations of Oscars.
Peepli was believed to be a nominee of the Oscars, a movie narrating the real plight of farmers in Madhya Pradesh i.e. Peepli. The tuning of this movie is very perfect. The movie turns out to be presenting a true face of media as well.
There were great expectation that Peepli live will turn out to be a movie that will capture the most renowned Oscars nomination but unfortunately it turned into a’ rejected notion ‘ as it didn't even cleared the nominees race.

However, the movie had shown natural elements and furthermore the issues relating to "officer Shahi" , corruption and also the agenda set by media. Casting of characters, dialogues, humourism are very well performed. Mehgai Dayan a famous song, is very relevant for today's scenario, is sung by protesters protesting for issues of price rise. The lyrics are well written every word is relevant presenting a true picture of how stressed are the people with prices touching the heavens. Although, it had gained magnificent viewers.
There were earlier movies that were a part of the nominations for the Oscars like Mother India, Water, Rang de Basanti, Salaam Bombay, and Lagaan.‘Slum Dog Millionaire’ is the only movie that has gained the Oscars, but it to be not directed by an Indian. It was just an Indian overview of slum areas and the life condition of people living there.

It is really a pathetic scene again, no Oscars? What a hectic burden again on our shoulders, waiting again next year for some hope. There are several questions arising as we look into the upcoming expectation of finding at least a single film winning the award. Are we incapable of producing a well versed movie? Do we have deficit of producers or directors? Do we lack anything particular that a good movie requires.
It is really an area where we must find a solution as soon as possible. Though there is no doubt that Indian cinema has performed very well in the world. Our earlier directors have contributed a lot of movies that has particularly assumed great importance in fields of freedom struggle, social and political arenas.
India waits for the Oscars and from hereby our ears wanna listen something great like getting the Oscars for sure in near future.

We people of India solemnly await
Let us wait and wait…
Oscars! Oscars! Oscars!

Radio tagging of Indian students in the United States

Indian students in the United States are facing inhuman and unjust conditions in the tri-valley at sans Francisco, California .they are duped, tagged and facing a lot of brutal misbehavior by the university officials.

‘Radio tagging’, a system radio machine to detect movements of a person or is mostly used to relocate the direction of an is really a disgusting scene seen in the US, where Indian students are watched like animals. A student ankle is wound by a radio machine .it is compulsory for them to wear it and there are being treated as cattle rearing.

The Indian students are helpless and facing a lot of criticism. They are not able to express their feelings of humiliation .one of the Indian student, identity concealed have said that,’ we are treated like criminals and murderers’.it is really very annoying to go around wearing a detection machine, with people staring with envious eyes. The radio collar has created a feeling of inferiority and a sense of being an accused on no true evidence.’

The first issue of radio tagging was found to be seen on January 19.the U.S officials on the other hand were very harsh on students, blaming them of taking admission on grounds of “fraud immigration”.it must be really notable they it is the U.S officials that only gave visa’s to the Indian my opinion the fault lies in the university itself and due to them they are facing such conditions of extreme sad conduct.

Moreover the public affairs officer of the U.S claims such a brutal step as an opportunity for the Indians. She declares it as a modern trend of vigilance’s it a modern trend to humiliate a person, as if behaving to an animal? Or a kind of horrifying treatment .if in future the same case happens to the U.S students, will or will not the U.S government object? It would be probably yes!. Which government would just want to sit back look their own people get dishonored? So it is a very serious issue and it must be look into at proper time.

The Indian government is however protesting on such serious matter. The Indian ambassador ‘Meera Shankar in Washington have said ‘students will get a fair deal’.it is a foremost duty of the Indian government to help its Indian students from overcoming such dishonor, brutality, atrocities and moreover from the supreme regime of the university officials.

The Indian government must look and investigate at superior level and find the culprit for such a disgraceful punishment. There are several question arising as one thinks at a broader aspect, do the students hold any responsibility if they were given visa’s by the U.S?

Being a student it is really understanding how would have been a student must be feeling at times when he’s watched like a hardcore is something that goes beyond one’s imagination. It is an issue of dignity, self-respect of the Indian government and also for the Indian people.

It’s an honorable issue and it must be looked up at great zeal.

The tale of "Fourth Estate" Ethical or Not?

There remains a great debate round the corner about the level of intellectual held by the majority of the media people. What has been over desperately portrait at the Ramnath Goenka Debate held for honouring excellent work in journalism. The debate got into thrilling remarks by personalities present at the functions that were from reputed sections of media.  The debate turned round the corners and got itself into a variety of rhetoric leading to ups and down of over burdening of statements. But the real issue goes so far not to be discussed at the debate.

At the debate the essentiality of the statement as far goes into a broader prospect leading to a variety of discussions overboard.  The   reason of poor intellect does not mean that media people are not the sensible people; it takes another perspect to take into something more accountable.
Media as the fourth estate has been playing a tremendous part in bringing forth the issues which would have otherwise buried under the earth. Issues regarding scams, corruption, scandals are brought into lime light through a series of investigation, hard work and enthusiasm by journalist. This very has shook roots of politicians and arguments have started to take shape into bigger debate of bringing the media under accountability approach.  Should media be accountable is the burning question of the hour.

The agency of conduct and morality of the content presented in the newspapers, television are the basic structure that forays a variety of facts presented to us. The debate has brought into the limelight the role played by the editors and columnist regarding their favorable columns and their work of content placements. Editor’s pick of the front page content has been questioned.

 Whether or not the development of the country is not front page news but the sheer famous game of cricket gets a front page headline. Does this very fact bring in account the poor intellect of editor or someone associated with placements of news stories. It is no doubt that both encounters the serious concerns of the day but placed at different corners. Poverty, health, education are definitely  are at stakes of corruption in their own way but if all such covers the  newspapers we are the very furnaces of bringing  our country into serious stocks.

Should media be accountable just because the Prime Minister and judiciary is accountable? Government should first try out to come clear on its parts rather than drag every bit of good institution. It’s the judiciary which takes into time about 20 years for a judgment and rather asks for a research from a newspaper to come clear with the truth .Since there are black sheep in every sphere, the pressure of any other institution would put a curb on the expression of free speech of the free press. The totality of the fact is that society is in a constant stand of transformation at both the level of approach. The constant urge of showcasing farmer’s suicide stories, poverty, hunger, etc. can be to sing to some extent disheartening to be revealed without a much proper research.   Media people are not indulged in single issue but have brought into focus other sections of the working forums.  Environment has been brought under observation and media is not limited to the discussion of political powers but has to cover every bit social, moral and cultural values. The helm lot of affairs has come under the eye and still it’s been on the constant run to protect every aspect.

Media over the years have sensibly crossed all better roads that have led to the establishment of a better fourth estate and it’s doing really well at present. The grown number of news channels and programs across has too been effective in initiating a challenged environment and media will continue to enshrine its benefit on the country and hope it remains under good journalism. Let morality and ethics become the base of the healthy journalism and a better India.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Surajkund Crafts Mela : A Day that brings you closer to your countries most talented people.
Huge Crowd gathered at Surajkund  Crafts Mela.
Recently I got the opportunity to make myself solely a fortunate person to become a part of the auspicious fair. The day seemed out to be the perfect one amidst wonderful colours, joyous people, school children, college students capturing   every bit of India's crafts and  different colours to their cameras. People scattered in every bit of the place and one cannot forget to feel the real person behind him/her when it comes to look at beautiful handicrafts.
The Fair gives opportunity to a lot of people to showcase the culture , Crafts, Attire, food, to humongous people out there  form every nook and corner of the country. The essence of showcasing art is merely so adhering that it brings a sense of proud, that a country can really be so much creative and enthusiastic about their talent.
The fun doesn't end here unless you get some rise up to the sky.  A bit of real fun is collected when one gets a ride to one of the scraping "jhula". To every bit Surajkund Crafts mela is a must for people to get some really good taste of the countries talented people and their beautiful creations.

Do you feel irritated when somebody does not pronounce your name correctly? How many times have you corrected the other person about your na...