Saturday, August 10, 2013

Technology touching Human lives

Technology is one such term that it gets advanced with the passage of time. Technology has touched human lives; their normal functioning is far more dependent on technology.Computers, laptops, mobile phone. Mp3, iphone, ipad etc. has become a major part of human life.  A day without technology looks like lifeless and sometimes irritating consciousness gets aroused .A day without watching TV news, serials, and movies seems life so boring .Technological advancements further enhances human capacity of storage, awareness and facilitates smooth functioning of daily life.

In the ancient time, the traditional technology were just the radio and the television .They for a longer span of time proved a greater innovation and held public interest and pleasure. They were quite successful at their times but further enhancement of technology led the more furnished technologies to come to existence.
There are several other innovations of today’s age that almost solves people’s problems and rests them at high priority with its usage and simplification.  The latest technologies are of different types like those of Sling box launched by sling media, 3D Battery that charges the phone immediately, shower power radio, and many more. The following innovations have touched human lives.

H2O RELEASES SHOWER POWER RADIO-While the world is behind high end technologies and other advancements .This is the time not for I phones but for a radio that gets charged itself while shower. The radio is capable of charging itself as water pours from shower. There is no need for electricity or removable batteries for the device to get charged. You can easily charge the radio with adequate power as you take bath.

 This eco-friendly device is compatible with almost any shower, as the company claims. Vivian Blick was the man behind this amazing product. The shower-powered radio was inspired from the  
Company’s earlier invention Wind-Up Radio.

“Having seen huge success with the commercialization of the Wind-Up Radio we were constantly looking into new ways that further innovations in the radio sector could be made. Creating the now-patented micro turbine technology, that allows the radio to operate solely through the flow of water, was the key to our new innovation; and thus the world's first water-powered shower radio was created,” Vivian Blick was quoted as saying.

 Scientists develop 3D Battery That Recharges Your Phone in Seconds   -   A new 3D battery that can charge your mobile phones at a superfast pace has been developed by a group of scientists at the University of Illinois. With this 3D battery one can recharge mobile phones in just few seconds.

A new technology   that can help parents who stay far away from their children and still gets to make their children feel happy-
 Nursery Rhymes with Story Time allow parents to be in touch with their kids, wherever they might be.   
 This is useful when parents are away from their children. Sometimes it’s just impossible to stay with the children and care for them. This technology helps parents to evolve with their kids.

 Nursery Rhymes with Story Time allow parents to be in touch with their kids, wherever they might be. Thus, it is very useful when you aren't there at a time when kids go to sleep.

Sling box -Multinational audio and video giant Sling Media launched their TV streaming device Sling box in India. With this device,   one would be able to watch TV on various devices like Smartphone, laptop and many other devices that have one equipped with.

These various new innovations have simplified human life conditioning .Now with more advancement in technology more problems are also arising at high juncture. Though technologies have determined value and existence yet there are issues of lazyness, no hard working passion and still a more comfortable leisure life?
The technological harm that one gets is worth not appealing and it tends to stupefying elements of harmless.  It gradually harms us and the extent that it harms goes unseen.

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