Saturday, August 10, 2013

Radio tagging of Indian students in the United States

Indian students in the United States are facing inhuman and unjust conditions in the tri-valley at sans Francisco, California .they are duped, tagged and facing a lot of brutal misbehavior by the university officials.

‘Radio tagging’, a system radio machine to detect movements of a person or is mostly used to relocate the direction of an is really a disgusting scene seen in the US, where Indian students are watched like animals. A student ankle is wound by a radio machine .it is compulsory for them to wear it and there are being treated as cattle rearing.

The Indian students are helpless and facing a lot of criticism. They are not able to express their feelings of humiliation .one of the Indian student, identity concealed have said that,’ we are treated like criminals and murderers’.it is really very annoying to go around wearing a detection machine, with people staring with envious eyes. The radio collar has created a feeling of inferiority and a sense of being an accused on no true evidence.’

The first issue of radio tagging was found to be seen on January 19.the U.S officials on the other hand were very harsh on students, blaming them of taking admission on grounds of “fraud immigration”.it must be really notable they it is the U.S officials that only gave visa’s to the Indian my opinion the fault lies in the university itself and due to them they are facing such conditions of extreme sad conduct.

Moreover the public affairs officer of the U.S claims such a brutal step as an opportunity for the Indians. She declares it as a modern trend of vigilance’s it a modern trend to humiliate a person, as if behaving to an animal? Or a kind of horrifying treatment .if in future the same case happens to the U.S students, will or will not the U.S government object? It would be probably yes!. Which government would just want to sit back look their own people get dishonored? So it is a very serious issue and it must be look into at proper time.

The Indian government is however protesting on such serious matter. The Indian ambassador ‘Meera Shankar in Washington have said ‘students will get a fair deal’.it is a foremost duty of the Indian government to help its Indian students from overcoming such dishonor, brutality, atrocities and moreover from the supreme regime of the university officials.

The Indian government must look and investigate at superior level and find the culprit for such a disgraceful punishment. There are several question arising as one thinks at a broader aspect, do the students hold any responsibility if they were given visa’s by the U.S?

Being a student it is really understanding how would have been a student must be feeling at times when he’s watched like a hardcore is something that goes beyond one’s imagination. It is an issue of dignity, self-respect of the Indian government and also for the Indian people.

It’s an honorable issue and it must be looked up at great zeal.

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