Saturday, August 10, 2013


Life is spinning all around like a magnificent ball of advanced Google search for life partners, beloved and more likely with whom our soul are inseparable.

Assumptions of how life changes after marriage are incredible. Life supporting system of loved relations, bonding evolves with an urge to satisfy our self.

Marriage is a traditional institution that binds not only two families, two individuals but also enhances human‘s unique code of DNA and more likely the self affirmation of a sound social environment. The journey of relations sails on the ship of trust, hope and encompasses within the territory of LIFE OF CONTROL. The extreme end brings happiness and joy. The love converged in between two individuals seems nothing less than a desired thought.

Marriage is like a cricket pitch, the variation of spin bowling resembles to an entire thought of it. The variation of marriage: Top spin and off spin. The arranged and the love marriage is one such example of the spinning relation available upon request for both the two individuals. Though one can be well versed with bowling actions.

The spin of two innings or summing up the two variety of bowling the relation that rests at top priority is the top spin: LOVE MARRRIAGE.

TOP SPIN relates to the upcoming love marriage that is a culture of today’s that sometimes seems successful beyond limitations though not all love marriages have proved successful.

OFF SPIN relates to the ancient tradition of arranged marriages where the involvements of the families are at major states. This variation of marriage has been since times successful and durable.

The variations in marriages are of two types. LOVE MARRIAGE AND ARRANGED MARRIAGE.

Love marriage is an upcoming trend in marriages. Love affairs, extra marital affairs are the one of the same side of a coin. Love affairs at colleges, offices, colleagues, it can initiate anywhere. Love birds are seen at parks, restaurants and places where public crowds are very less. They are seen at early stages of love leading to marriage. It is a very personal decision in which nobody can claim the rights to get involve the biggest benefit of love marriages are based on principles of freedom. Love marriages are successful only if a person chooses wisely.

Often there is a mis -match of social status, education resources leading to unhappiness and finally to the end of the relationship.

Furthermore on the other hand arranged marriages are traditional method of marriage. Arranged marriages occur with the final consent of the partners. It involves greater participation of family members. The whole processes of arranged marriages are so processed and it involves multiple ideologies and culture within this type of marriage is very complex.

The greatest disadvantage that this method gets is that family pressures are often so risky that it even leads to death of individuals and end of a powerful ceremony of love.

The trends of marriages are not only popular with India only but it has also stated so much of change in statistics abroad. Here are some countries that show that marriages are at a risk of conduct in the normal life of a person.

The statistics of marriages in the foreign countries are:

WASHIGTON: Seetle’s has the largest per cent of women living alone in the U.S

UTAH: The Beehive state has the highest number of married couple (61 %)

NEVADA: Los Vegas, the wedding capital issues an average of 120000 marriages licensed and this state has the highest divorce rate.

ARKANAS: This state is often regarded as the “state of marital emergency”.

These not only showcases the percent of marriages either done by arranged or love ,one has to figure out that the marriages are built up with trust, honesty, truth ,love and more commonly with a sense of happiness altogether.

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