Saturday, August 10, 2013

The tale of "Fourth Estate" Ethical or Not?

There remains a great debate round the corner about the level of intellectual held by the majority of the media people. What has been over desperately portrait at the Ramnath Goenka Debate held for honouring excellent work in journalism. The debate got into thrilling remarks by personalities present at the functions that were from reputed sections of media.  The debate turned round the corners and got itself into a variety of rhetoric leading to ups and down of over burdening of statements. But the real issue goes so far not to be discussed at the debate.

At the debate the essentiality of the statement as far goes into a broader prospect leading to a variety of discussions overboard.  The   reason of poor intellect does not mean that media people are not the sensible people; it takes another perspect to take into something more accountable.
Media as the fourth estate has been playing a tremendous part in bringing forth the issues which would have otherwise buried under the earth. Issues regarding scams, corruption, scandals are brought into lime light through a series of investigation, hard work and enthusiasm by journalist. This very has shook roots of politicians and arguments have started to take shape into bigger debate of bringing the media under accountability approach.  Should media be accountable is the burning question of the hour.

The agency of conduct and morality of the content presented in the newspapers, television are the basic structure that forays a variety of facts presented to us. The debate has brought into the limelight the role played by the editors and columnist regarding their favorable columns and their work of content placements. Editor’s pick of the front page content has been questioned.

 Whether or not the development of the country is not front page news but the sheer famous game of cricket gets a front page headline. Does this very fact bring in account the poor intellect of editor or someone associated with placements of news stories. It is no doubt that both encounters the serious concerns of the day but placed at different corners. Poverty, health, education are definitely  are at stakes of corruption in their own way but if all such covers the  newspapers we are the very furnaces of bringing  our country into serious stocks.

Should media be accountable just because the Prime Minister and judiciary is accountable? Government should first try out to come clear on its parts rather than drag every bit of good institution. It’s the judiciary which takes into time about 20 years for a judgment and rather asks for a research from a newspaper to come clear with the truth .Since there are black sheep in every sphere, the pressure of any other institution would put a curb on the expression of free speech of the free press. The totality of the fact is that society is in a constant stand of transformation at both the level of approach. The constant urge of showcasing farmer’s suicide stories, poverty, hunger, etc. can be to sing to some extent disheartening to be revealed without a much proper research.   Media people are not indulged in single issue but have brought into focus other sections of the working forums.  Environment has been brought under observation and media is not limited to the discussion of political powers but has to cover every bit social, moral and cultural values. The helm lot of affairs has come under the eye and still it’s been on the constant run to protect every aspect.

Media over the years have sensibly crossed all better roads that have led to the establishment of a better fourth estate and it’s doing really well at present. The grown number of news channels and programs across has too been effective in initiating a challenged environment and media will continue to enshrine its benefit on the country and hope it remains under good journalism. Let morality and ethics become the base of the healthy journalism and a better India.

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