Saturday, August 10, 2013


The state election brought with it the undetermined price rise.

The popular song of Peepli  live “Meghai Dayan “ has once again been popularized after the state election has been completed .Within 24 hours of result being announced price of commodities began to sore greater heights. The first commodity that got struck into it was the petrol. It got hiked by a price greater than to rupees 5 .The oil marketing companies increased the price and this ensured the heavy burden on the household budget. This is not the first time that the price rise issue has been hiked but it is the seventh time in 11 month that petrol prices are increased.

Since UPA returned to power in May 2009, petrol prices have gone up by more than 50 %. In last one year alone it has increased in order of 30%.During the price rise of petrol it was worth seeing that people were rushing to petrol pump to get their vehicle filled with the old price. Every body was in haste and a major crowd was assembled to all petroleum stations covering the entire surrounding and running over one other.
The condition of people was worth noticeable and each stating “I have to plan the entire next month budget due to this price rise” The essentiality of petrol is seen everywhere whether it office or home. Petrol has its say in every field of work. The entire field of travel and transport, electricity, household, companies, industries, etc.The public is the main target of suffrage and often people ask themselves “why are poor people  the victims of  price rise?”

The other commodity that gets it struck in between the list of price rise is milk. Mother dairy has raised its price by rupees 2.  This increased price has more relations with aam janta, the daily consumption of milk products ensured nutritional value and with this price rise the people will think twice or thrice before in taking milk. With the rice of milk, other dairy products too ensured great hike  in price .Paneer, cheese , butter have also  raised its price indirectly .Imagining  a day without  eating milk  products for babies too gets  greater attention  .Consumption by poor people is one of the major  issues: What are they going to consume ?Does the government provide any supplement in case of  price rise to the poor? It is always a big ‘NO’.
 “How much the government gets affected it when any price rise situation arises?   Does it in anyway hinders their normal high status functioning of life. Do they refuse to intake milk or milk products? There are several other questions that people would like to ask the Government.

The aam aadmi effect gets more involved in suffering and to a much worse situation. The very known home groans have raised lend rates by 50 basis points and the HDFC joins other lending units have involved too. This very situation has aroused much greater efficiency in facilitating home groan issues.
The deplorable, horrible question of life sustaining commodities are getting hiked and aam janta‘s  appeal has no longer melted the hearts of  government as  price rice news of several other commodities are also going to be on fire in the coming days.

So the main assumptions of  people would be maintain stocks of food and other things to run into a  better life and sack the price rise as a burden in the go-down  .

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